Cultural performance to mark the Russian Language Day 2023.

You are invited to assist to the Cultural performance organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to mark the Russian Language Day 2023; on 6 june

“Celebrating the beauty of the Russian Language.” Russian Langue Day 2023; June 6th.

To observe the Russian Language Day on June 6th, the United Nations entities held a series of virtual events in New York, Geneva and Vienna, including a poetry reading, a literature recital, theatrical performances and discussions about the Russian language. The United Nations delegates and staff are featuring a documentary on simultaneous interpretation in English and Russian. TheContinue reading ““Celebrating the beauty of the Russian Language.” Russian Langue Day 2023; June 6th.”

Journée de la Langue Russe 2023 à l’ONU.

Le 6 juin, nous célébrons la Journée de la Langue Russe à l’ONU et de par le monde. Le Coordonnateur des Nations Unies pour le multilinguism partage ses vues, à cette occasion, sur les avantages multiples du #multilinguisme. Follow the conversation with the hashtags; #ДеньРусскогоЯзыка, #multilinguism,#JournéedelaLangueRusse

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