Countries where Russian is used in lawmaking and also as language of inter-ethnic communication.

There are many Russian-speaking people all around the world, but there are just four countries where Russian is the official language. These countries are Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. There are two countries where Russian is used for official functions. In Tajikistan, it is used in lawmaking and it is also the language of inter-ethnic communication. In Uzbekistan, it is used inContinue reading “Countries where Russian is used in lawmaking and also as language of inter-ethnic communication.”

Perserving Russian Indigenous ethnic languages.

Russian has remained an official language in independent Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, and is still commonly used as a lingua franca in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and to a lesser extent in the Baltic states and Israel. The Federal Institute of Indigenous Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation has announced anContinue reading “Perserving Russian Indigenous ethnic languages.”

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